垃圾分类英文 垃圾分类介绍(四种垃圾分类的英文是什么?)

wanfu 星座 73 0

垃圾分类英文 垃圾分类介绍

1、垃圾分类英文:refuse classification。

2、垃圾分类(英文名为:Garbage classification),一般是指按一定规定或标准将垃圾分类储存、分类投放和分类搬运,从而转变成公共资源的一系列活动的总称。分类的目的是提高垃圾的资源价值和经济价值,力争物尽其用。

3、垃圾在分类储存阶段属于公众的私有品,垃圾经公众分类投放后成为公众所在小区或社区的区域性准公共资源,垃圾分类搬运到垃圾集中点或转运站后成为没有排除性的公共资源。从国内外各城市对生活垃圾分类的 *** 来看,大致都是根据垃圾的成分、产生量,结合本地垃圾的资源利用和处理方式来进行分类的。


1、可回收垃圾:Recyclable waste  

2、其他垃圾:Other waste

3、厨余垃圾:Kitchen waste

4、有害垃圾:Hazardous waste



With the development of society and the improvement of economy, garbage has become more and more. Our school has also made corresponding measures, let us learn to classify them into recycled garbage, non-recyclable garbage, kitchen waste and so on.

xx市城市生活垃圾分类收集处理现状及对策建议 翻译为英文。

本文介绍了xx市垃圾分类收集处理的现状,指出了垃圾分类收集处理过程中存在的法律法规不完善、 *** 工作力度不足、过程监管不到位、市民垃圾分类收集观念不强、未能形成垃圾分类收集处理的产业化、垃圾处理方式存在弊端等问题,并借鉴国内外城市在垃圾分类 *** 、 *** 管控手段、领先的处理方式等方面的先进经验,针对存在的问题提出了完善法规制度和垃圾分类标准,提高分类水平,增加投入、完善垃圾收集转运基础设施建设,推动市场化和产业化进程,引进先进垃圾处理方式和设备,加强市民素质教育等对策建议和改进措施。
连同标题:xx市城市生活垃圾分类收集处理现状及对策建议 一并翻译。
Current Status of and Suggested Countermeasures for Sorting, Collection and Processing of Household Garbage in xx City
With the advantages of the "Development of the West Regions", the development of XX city has had a significant development, but accompanied with a growing production of household garbage. Facing the increasingly severe situation of "city besieged by garbage", effective control and management measures must be taken, so as to gradually change the situation from "city besieged by garbage" into "city besieged by resources ".
This paper introduced the current situation of garbage sorting, collection and processing in XX, pointed out the problems existing in it, such as imperfect legal regulations, insufficient measures of the government, insufficient process supervision, incorrect concept of citizens on garbage sorting & collection, non-industrialized garbage collection and processing and problematic garbage disposal methods etc., made reference to advanced experience of other domestic and international cities in garbage sorting, government control measures and leading garbage processing methods; and, with regard to the existing problems, put forward suggestions and improvement measures for perfection of legal and legislative systems and garbage sorting standards, improvement of garbage sorting proficiency, increase of input, improvement of infrastructures for garbage collection and transport, promotion of marketization and industrialization process, introduction of advanced garbage processing method and equipment and enhancing of citizen's consensus etc.


Therefore, we should carry out garbage classification consciously in our daily life to reduce pollution.
