
wanfu 麦克百科 90 0


Thank you

Thank You; thanks all of you; Thank you all
Excuse me I after all how, help *** yse thank you!


Thank you guys all for your come.


行动胜于言语。 2分钟英文演讲 简单点就行。好评一定给。谢谢你们了 英语专业的学霸们

As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. In doing everything, one doesn't have to say, no matter how you say it, about what you are planning to do; but instead, what one really needs to do is to take actions or do specific things for purposes of finishing the job, *** all or large. If you have all the time speaking out about your plans, you may as well spend those time in doing something. What is judged or valued by our society is not so much about how you talk about how to complete the task ahead, but very much about how you do to accomplish your goal. It's easy to talk about things or brag about what you can do, but it's a lot more difficult to do things that will lead you to success. This is what life means, that is, success in life requires one to take concrete actions to accomplish the goal. Talking without actions will lead you no where in terms of life.

【 谢谢你 英文 】表达「 谢谢 、感谢」的10种英文用法!




英文别再只会说「thank you」!

《Let’s talk》讲师 Meera 在 Youtube 上列举了「谢谢你」的10种英文表达,一起来看看吧!


1. 形容你人真好。

You are a peach. Thank you!



2. 当你遇到问题被拯救时:

You are my superhero!



3. 当你太开心了,感谢对方时

The drink is on me.



4. Hey,这次你帮我,下次你有需要我一定帮你!

I owe you one!



5. 形容你人好好,想给予一个拥抱一个感谢时

A big bear hug waiting for you.



6. 当你吃到好吃的食物时

My stomach wants to thank you.



7. 用于专业性的.正式的场合,ex.面试录取

This means a lot to me.



8. 当你感到很艰难.崩溃时,获得对方的帮助及支持时

Thanks for having my back.



9. 形容对方很细心.顾虑周全而铭记于心时,ex.像是某人来拜访你,带了酒送你时

How thoughtful of you!



10. 非正式用语,开心.欢呼,想庆祝一下的感谢用语。



A big bear hug waiting for you, A big bear hug waiting for you意思, A big bear hug waiting for you翻译, cheers, Cheers意思, Cheers翻译, How thoughtful of you, How thoughtful of you意思, How thoughtful of you翻译, I owe you one, I owe you one意思, I owe you one翻译, My stomach wants to thank you, My stomach wants to thank you意思, My stomach wants to thank you翻译, thank you, thank you 意思, thank you 用法, thank you 翻译, Thanks for having my back, Thanks for having my back意思, Thanks for having my back翻译, The drink is on me, The drink is on me意思, The drink is on me翻译, This means a lot to me, This means a lot to me意思, This means a lot to me翻译, You are a peach, You are a peach意思, You are a peach翻译, You are my superhero, You are my superhero意思, You are my superhero翻译, 感谢 英文, 表达感谢 英文, 表达谢谢 英文, 谢谢 英文, 谢谢你 英文, 道谢 英文


Thank you for getting together with me all the time,I love you!(这个不是机器翻译的哦!希望帮得到你吧..)
