
wanfu 麦克百科 77 0


我原本认为东方cj的东西不错,但10月份买了叫IPKN的什么新概念粉扑,放在家中一直没用,两个星期前正好原来的粉底液用完了,就开始用这个所谓的新概念动感粉扑,结果没用两个星期就坏掉了。(本人每天只是早上用一次)打 *** 给该商品的售后服务,竟然让我在东方cj上再买一个,什么玩意儿?大家千万别买IPKN新概念动感粉扑,纯粹骗人的东西,浪费了298元,还让我对东方cj的东西心存质疑。





爱其华手表 是 瑞士品牌,一般来讲,东方CJ 的东西 也都是 正品的,

正常正宗瑞士产的手表,机械款价格不会至于 三千元


一个女的唱的。节奏很轻快的。。歌词有。收王的c(音译)什么的。。。 有知道的朋友告诉你。谢谢
《next to you》
two o'clock and i wish that i was sleeping
you're in my head like a song on the radio
all i know is i gotta get next to you
yeah i gotta get next to you
sitting here turning minutes in the hours
to find the nerve just to call you on the telephone
cuz you don't know that i gotta get next to you
maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
maybe it's just my imagination
but i see you stare just a little too long
and it makes me start to wonder
so baby, call me crazy
but i think you feel it too
maybe i, maybe i, just gotta get next to you
oh, oh
asked around and i heard that you were talking
told my girl that you thought i was out of your league
what a fool, i gotta get next to you
oh, yeah
it's five in the morning and i can't go to sleep
cuz i wish, yeah i wish you knew what you mean to me
baby, let's get together and end this mystery
maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
maybe it's just my imagination
but i see you stare just a little too long
and it makes me start to wonder
so baby, call me crazy
but i think you feel it too
maybe i, maybe i, just gotta get next to you
whatcha gotta say
watcha gotta do
how you get the one you want
to wanna get next to you
watcha gotta say
watcha gotta do
how you get the one you want
to wanna get next to you
watcha gotta say
watcha gotta do
how you get the one you want
to wanna get next to you
watcha gotta say
watcha gotta do
how you get the one you want
to wanna get next to you, yeah yeah
to wanna get next to you
maybe we're friends, maybe we're more
maybe it's just my imagination
but i see you stare just a little too long
and it makes me start to wonder
so baby, call me crazy
but i think you feel it too
so baby, call me crazy
but i think you feel it too
maybe i, maybe i, just gotta get next to you
oh, oh
oh, oh
next to you
oh, oh
i gotta get next to you



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北京: 超市发、乐购、沃尔玛、华润万家超市、华普超市、北京城乡仓储超市、翠微超市、面包新语、金凤成祥、国美电器、大中电器、翠微百货、工美大厦、燕莎奥特莱斯购物中心 、贵友大厦、新街口百货、地百商场、城乡贸易中心、北京城乡华懋商厦、王府井百货大楼、王府井百货大兴店、东安市场、长安商场、双安商场、HQ尚客百货、世茂新世纪百货、复兴商业城、当代商城、甘家口大厦等 。
东方CJ属于电视购物,东方CJ是中国之一家真正的家庭购物公司 。通过电视、网络、会刊、IPTV、WAP等事业领域,共享接单与物流基础设施,开展家庭购物业务,为上海、华东乃至全国广大消费者提供各种在线商品信息,使消费者足不出户就可以获取详细的商品信息,并且可以通过 *** 等多种方式订购商品。此举标志着中国之一家真正意义上的家庭购物公司正式诞生。
