Brazil 是一个国家,位于南美洲,全称是巴西联邦共和国。它是世界上更大的国家之一,拥有约 2.1 亿人口,首都是巴西利亚。
n. 巴西(拉丁美洲国家)。
例:Not anyone can be the boss: Brazil?
例:I have had similar experiences all over Brazil and Colombia.
Brazil国名之前需要加定冠词the 吗?
Brazil国名之前不需要加定冠词the ,除了USA和UN和UK需要,其他国家不需要。求电影[妙想天开](Brazil) 中英文字幕版
以glimpse of Brazil英语作文有带巴西地理介绍和风俗的
1 巴西位于南美洲东南部,东濒太平洋。是世界第五大国,也是南美洲经济发展较快的国家 2 大西洋沿岸东南地区是巴西人口最多的地区,该地区有2个更大的城市 里约热内卢和圣保罗,内陆地区人口较为稀少33巴西的气候根据纬度和经度不同而变化,大部分地区处热带,只有最南部地区处在亚热带4巴西矿产丰富,巴西以咖啡质优 味浓而驰名全球,是世界上更大的咖啡生产国和出口i国,素有“咖啡王国”之称。5巴西全国共分26州和1个联邦区6中主和文化的差异显著,是一个多元化国家。巴西的狂欢节和桑巴舞是世界著名的更佳答案
Brazil is the 10th largest economic power in the world with a 600 billion dollars GDP. The restrictive monetary and budgetary policies set up by the Lula da Silva government, have restored markets confidence but have restrained growth : GDP growth rate was 0.5% in 2003, 5.2% in 2004 and 3.3 in 2005. The growth was especially due to the depreciation of the Real which stimulates Brazilian exports. The FMI forecasts a 3.5% growth in 2006. Nevertheless, Brazil remains heavily in debt to the extend of putting a brake on the country's development. The inflation rate was 5.3% in 2004 and should be 4.7% in 2004. The country holds abundant natural resources and its economy is relatively diversified. Brazil is a huge agricultural power: it is the worldlargest producer of coffee, sugarcane and oranges and attracts numerous international food processing groups. Being a big industrial country, Brazil benefits from its abundant mineral resources: it is the 2nd largest exporter of iron in the world and one of the main aluminum producers. The country is now increasingly standing out in the textile, aircraft, pharmaceutical, car, steel and chemical industry sectors.
Brazil welcomes numerous direct foreign investments. The average rate of customs duty, according to MERCOSUR's Common External Tariff (between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay), is 11% but imports often face numerous restrictions and surcharges. Brazil's main trade partners are the United States, Argentina, China 拉到右边可以看全文,
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