pray for是什么意思啊(pray for kumamoto什么意思)

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pray for是什么意思啊

“Pray for”是指为某人或某事祈祷,这是一种宗教性的行为。在很多文化中,人们会寻求超自然力量的援助,帮助他们度过困境和疾病等不幸。Pray for的寓意不但限于个人的需求,也包括社群的需求。全球性的灾害,例如火灾、地震和台风等也是pray for的对象。人们希望他们的祈祷能够激发一些外力推动出现更好的结果。

为了praying for某人或某事,有一些文化会特意进行仪式和祈祷。他们有自己的仪式和信仰,他们相信祈祷可以让他们和周围的人更加平安。他们相信神或其他超自然力量会听到他们诚恳的祈求,并对他们的证词和需要作出反应。他们相信祈祷是一种能够协助冥想和平衡思绪的活动,可以给予力量和指引。

不仅是神职人员可以praying for众多需求者。所有愿意互相帮助的人都可以流露出同情之心,关注他人的问题,并为他们祈祷。Pray for可以体现出我们对周围的社群的真实关注和关心,显示出我们的人性之美。无论是在线或面对面,我们都可以用pray for去表达我们的关注和帮助之心。


pray for kumamoto
全部释义和例句>> 祈求熊本pray for kumamoto
全部释义和例句>> 祈求熊本




作词:Tommy Heavenly6
编曲:Chris Walker
歌:Tommy Heavenly6


Let’s go out! Open my mind(Let’s go out! Open my mind)
Let’s go out! Open my mind

Let’s go! Sweet dream other side(Let’s go! Sweet dream other side)
Let’s go! Sweet dream other side

今 解き放つ笼の外へ(现在 朝着解放的笼子的外面的世界)
I ma to ki ha na tsu ka go no so to he

锖び付いた键 鸣り止まぬ鼓动(生了锈的钥匙 无法停止鸣叫的鼓动)
Sa bi tsu i ta ka gi na ri ya ma nu ko do u

気づいてた "もう...戻れない"(注意到 "已经...无法归去了")
Ki du i te ta “Mo do re na i”

失われた日々が [Hey Baby why?](失去的日子)[Hey baby why?]
U shi na wa re ta hi bi ga [Hey baby why?]

苍く繋がってく[I want to cry...](苍白的连结着)[I want to cry...]
A o ku tsu na ga a te ku[I want to cry...]

Ko wa ga ru ji bu n ni ma ke ta ku na i yo

运命から逃げない "ひとりじゃない" (不要从命运中逃离 “因为你不是一个人”)
U n me i ka ra ni ge na i“Hi to ri ja na i”

そばにいる たとえどんなに (我在身边 不管怎样)
So ba ni i ru ta to e do n na ni

Ka na shi i yu me da to shi te mo ka ma wa na i

君の涙に触れたいよ... Baby (想要拂去你的泪
Ki mi no na mi da ni fu re ta i yo... baby

I pray... "信じて" (I pray...“请相信我”)
I pray...“Shi n ji te”

冷たい记忆の暗 切り裂いて(我会劈开冰冷记忆的黑暗)
Tsu me ta i ki o ku no ya mi ki ri sa i te

lalala... lalala... lalala... ah ah~

伤ついた翼(はね) 安なせる泉( 受了伤的翅膀 不再流动的泉水)
Ki zu tsu i ta ha ne ya su ma se ru i zu mi

飞び込むすべが わからなくて (飞翔的 *** 我不知道)
To bi ko mu su be ga wa ka ra na ku te

退屈な场所 苛立ちや不安(乏味的地方 焦躁生出不安)
Ta i ku tsu na ba sh o i ra da chi ya fu an

仆らは今日も悩むけど (我们今天也在烦恼着)
Bo ku ra wa kyo u mo na ya mu ke do

暗い空を见上げ (Baby...for you)(仰望昏暗的天空)[Baby...for you]
Ku ra i so ra wo mi a ge(Baby ... for you)

进む 颜を上げて (I'm here for you)(前进吧 抬起脸庞)[I'm here for you]
Su su mu ka o wo a ge te(I’m here for you)

A ku na ki o mo i wo ka ba n ni tsu me te

踏み出す 心の暗を振り払い(向前迈步吧 拂去心中的黑暗)
Fu mi da su Ko ko ro no ya mi wo fu ri ha ra i

责める雨の音 悲しくなるなら(责备的落雨之声 如果听着会觉得悲伤的话)
Se me ru a me no o to Ka na shi ku na ru na ra

Ya sa shi i ki mi no ta te ni na ru

信じることをやめないで always (请不要放弃信仰 always)
Shi n ji ru ko to wo ya me na i de always

I pray... その瞳(め)に(I pray...在那眼中)
I no me ni

Chi i sa na ki se ki wo u tsu shi te mi se te


(Hey baby why?... I want to cry... Hey baby why?)
(Hey baby why?... I want to cry...)
(I'm here for you... yeah...! Believe yourself)

そばにいる そこがどんなに (在你身边)
So ba ni i ru so ko ga do n na ni

哀しい梦の中でもかまわない( 不管是在怎样悲伤的梦境中都没有关系)
Ka na shi i yu me no na ka de mo ka ma wa na i

同じ瞬间(とき)を生きていたい with you...(想生存在同一瞬间 with you...)
O na ji to ki wo i ki te i ta i with U...

I pray... "答えて" (I pray...“请回答我”)
I pray...“Ko ta e te”

Mo shi yu ru sa re ru na ra

君の涙に触れたいよ... Baby(想要拂去你的泪
Ki mi no na mi da ni fu re ta i

I pray... "信じて" (I pray...“请相信我”)
I pray...“Shi n ji te”

冷たい记忆の暗 切り裂いて(我会劈开冰冷记忆的黑暗)
Tsu me ta i ki o ku no ya mi ki ri sa i te


歌手:Justin Bieber
I just can't sleep tonight
Knowing the things ain't right
It's in the papers It's on the TV
It's everywhere that I go
Children are crying
Soldiers are dying

Some people don't have a home
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
你能告诉我 要怎样才能改变这一切
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I could see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and pray
I lose my appetite
No way could start tonight
Am I a sinner
Cause of my dinner
Still laying on my plate
Oohh I got a vision to make a difference
And I start it today
Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain
Can you tell me how I can make a change
告诉我 我能改变这一切
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I could see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and
I pray for the broken hearted
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all amongst not breathing
I pray for all the souls in needing
Pray can you give 'em one a day
I just can't sleep tonight
Can someone tell me how to make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I could see a better day
闭上双眼 我看见了更美好的未来
I close my eyes and I pray
I pray
I pray
I close my eyes and pray

dj bobo的《Pray》 歌词

歌手:dj bobo
专辑:DJ Bobo-Greatest Hits

Turn that night into a glory day
Stand for the rules and pray
We can make it a better place
When we pray for freedom
It doesn't matter what kind of race
When we pray for freedom
So let's live for the promise land
Living in harmony
So let's live with a helping hand
Dreams of a new generation
And we pray
What has happened to paradise
In motion or paralysed
Isolation, immigration
Frustration all over the nation
We've been waisting most of our time
Talking about things and that's no sign
Recognize the advice
It's more than only an exercise
Remember of the world so far away
Where people stay and pray everyday
They have their hopes, they have their chance
To pray for peace and tolerance
Remember of past time paradise
A system without any compromise
Let me say we can find a way
Stand up for the rules and pray
What has happened to paradise
Is it turned into a world of sorrow and lies
So many people don't care about rules
Honest people seem to be the fools
Time to wise up, time to rise up
Open your eyes up to the top
Hold a dream against the wind
Close your eyes and let it in
I've heard of a world so far away
Where people stay and pray everyday
They have no god, no sovereign
They pray for their rules and so they win
Remember of past time paradise
To be living in no compromise
Let me say we can find a way
Stand up for the rules and pray
