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  IMAX(即Image Maximum的缩写,意为“更大影像”,汉语发音可读作“艾麦克斯”)是一种能够放映比传统胶片更大和更高解像度的电影放映系统。整套系统包括以IMAX规格摄制的影片拷贝、放映机、音响系统、银幕等。标准的IMAX银幕为22米宽、16米高,但完全可以在更大的银幕播放,而且迄今为止不断有更大的IMAX银幕出现。
  为了加强电影的视觉震撼。在IMAX之前,出现了两种大画面放映系统:Cinemascope和VistaVision,这两套系统由于各方面的原因,诸如安装复杂、操作困难、画面质量不稳定等影响了可观性。因此都没有得到推广,IMAX的三名加拿大发明者(Graeme Ferguson、Roman Kroitor和Robert Kerr)早先也研究与Cinemascope相仿的多投影机大银幕放映系统,但他们在1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会上的试验不够理想,出现了不少技术问题,因而促使他们转向研发新的单放映机、单摄影机式的大银幕放映系统。最终催生了IMAX的问世。
  IMAX影片为了大幅增加影像的解析度,而采用了特殊的65毫米底片及其专用摄影机摄制,然后冲印成70毫米胶片,传统70毫米胶片的影像尺寸为48.5毫米×22.1 毫米,而IMAX胶片的影像尺寸为69.6毫米×48.5毫米,即“15/70”格式——胶片每格上有15个齿孔。因此,IMAX影片的每格画面的感光面积是普通35毫米胶片每格画面的10倍、传统70毫米胶片的3倍。从而决定了在“巨幕”上投放出的影像比一般电影更清晰、更亮丽。这种胶片的拷贝非常笨重,放映时需要专门的起重设备或 *** 多人之力才能搬动。由于尺寸比一般的胶片大得多,所以IMAX胶片的进片速度也是一般胶片的三倍,每6毫秒就放映一格,每1秒钟放映的胶片长1.7米,每分钟则是102.6米,因此,时长两小时的IMAX影片,其胶片长度有12.312公里。
  因为传统70毫米胶片在放大500多倍(即布满银幕)后图形不稳定,因此IMAX特别采用一种“波状环行”(Rolling Loop)的技术用于影片放映,增加了一个压缩空气装置来加速胶片传动,并把一个圆柱形镜头放在放映机前端,在放映过程中保持真空状态。IMAX放映机用螺钉固定,四颗螺钉和齿轮把放映机固定在完全水平的状态。IMAX放映系统还通过增加凸轮控制臂来抵消放映过程中的细微晃动,而其快门长度也比传统设备长大约20%。放映机的灯泡亮度惊人,功率更大(15千瓦)的IMAX放映机发出的灯光,甚至在月球上都能看得见。所以,IMAX放映系统造价高昂,而且重达1.8吨以上。
  IMAX放映机精密度更高,功率最强,达到了前所未有的先进水平。其运作的可靠性及稳定性的关键所在,是采用了独特的"波状环行"(ROLLING L00P)进片技术;这项技术是使电影胶片如波浪般沿水平方运行。在放映过程中,每一画格都由真空装置牢牢吸附在镜头的后部,使画面的稳定性大大超过任何常规标准,而图像更是水晶般清晰。IMAX放映机15千瓦的灯箱的功率之大,人的肉眼可以看见它在月球上发射出的光点。
  IMAX影院的构造也与普通电影院有很大的分别。根据形状的不同,IMAX银幕分为矩形幕和球形幕两种,前文所述的标准IMAX幕尺寸指矩形幕,而球形幕的直径可达三十米。球形幕主要放映全天域电影(IMax Dome,旧称OmniMax)。此类电影采用“鱼眼”镜头拍摄,使得180度的景物能成像于平坦的胶片上。放映时再采用另一个鱼眼镜头即可让全景重现银幕。
  由于IMAX画面解析度极高,观众可以更靠近银幕,一般所有座位的范围都在一个银幕的高度内 (而普通传统影院座位跨度可达到8~12个银幕)。而且座位倾斜度也比一般影院大(球形幕的放映厅倾斜度达23度),以便观众能够更好地面向银幕中心。
  IMAX3D则是IMAX立体影片的放映技术, IMAX3D使用两盘IMAX专用的15/70胶片,一盘胶片对应一只眼睛,通过偏振过滤眼镜或红外同步系统配合电子眼镜以提供两个单独的图像。结合IMAX巨幕,IMAX3D能够产生逼真的全视野立体效果。



Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quandary involving the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world and subjugate non-magical people (Muggles).

Since the June 30, 1997 release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide.[1] The series has also had some share of critici *** , including concern for the increasingly dark tone. As of June 2008, the book series has sold more than 400 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages,[2][3] and the last four books have consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.

A series of many genres, including fantasy and coming of age, it has many cultural meanings and references.[4][5][6][7] According to Rowling, the main theme is death,[8] which has led to much critici *** , as it is primarily considered to be a work of children's literature. There are also many other themes in the series, such as love and prejudice.[9]

English-language versions of the books are published by Bloom *** ury in the United Kingdom, Scholastic Press in the United States, Allen & Unwin in Australia, and Raincoast Books in Canada. Through 2010, the first six books have been made into films by Warner Brothers; it is the highest grossing film series of all time so far. The seventh book is being made into two movies which are currently scheduled to be released nearly eight months apart: Part I on November 19, 2010 and the series finale on July 15, 2011.[10] The series also originated much tie-in merchandise, making the Harry Potter brand worth £15 billion.
The novels revolve around Harry Potter, an orphan who discovers at the age of eleven that he is a wizard.[12] Wizard ability is inborn, but children are sent to wizarding school to learn the magical skills necessary to succeed in the wizarding world.[13] Harry is invited to attend the boarding school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each book chronicles one year in Harry's life, and most of the events take place at Hogwarts.[14] As he struggles through adolescence, Harry learns to overcome many magical, social and emotional hurdles.[15]

The main narrative of the novels is set in the years 1991-1998,[16] with significant memories from the year 1976 (Harry's parents' Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) year) and memories from various determinable and undeterminable periods after 1945; though little reference is made to features of any period.

Wizarding world
Flashbacks throughout the series reveal that when Harry was a baby he witnessed his parents' murder by Lord Voldemort who was a dark wizard obsessed with blood purity.[17] For reasons not immediately revealed, Voldemort's attempt to kill Harry rebounds.[17] Voldemort is seemingly killed and Harry survives with only a lightning-shaped mark on his forehead as a memento of the attack.[17] As its inadvertent saviour from Voldemort's reign of terror, Harry becomes a living legend in the wizard world. However, at the orders of his patron, the wizard Albus Dumbledore, the orphaned Harry is placed in the home of his unpleasant Muggle (non-wizard) relatives, who keep him safe but completely ignorant of his true heritage.[17]

The first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (changed in the U.S. to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), begins near Harry's 11th birthday. Half-giant Rubeus Hagrid reveals Harry's history and introduces him to the wizarding world.[17] The world J. K. Rowling created is both completely separate from and yet intimately connected to the real world. While the fantasy world of Narnia is an alternative universe and the Lord of the Rings’ Middle-earth a mythic past, the Wizarding world of Harry Potter exists alongside that of the real world and contains magical elements similar to things in the non-magical world. Many of its institutions and locations are in places that are recognizable in the real world, such as London.[18] It comprises a fragmented collection of hidden streets, overlooked and ancient pubs, lonely country manors and secluded castles that remain invisible to the non-magical population of Muggles.[13]

With Hagrid's help, Harry prepares for and undertakes his first year of study at Hogwarts. As Harry begins to explore the magical world, the reader is introduced to many of the primary locations used throughout the series. Harry meets most of the main characters and gains his two closest friends: Ron Weasley, a fun-loving member of an ancient, large, happy, but hard-up wizarding family, and Hermione Granger, an obsessively bookish witch of non-magical parentage.[17][19] Harry also encounters the school's potions master, Severus Snape, who displays a deep and abiding dislike for him. The plot concludes with Harry's second confrontation with Lord Voldemort, who in his quest for immortality, yearns to gain the power of the Philosopher's Stone.[17]

The series continues with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets describing Harry's second year at Hogwarts. He and his friends investigate a 50-year-old mystery that appears tied to recent sinister events at the school. Ron's younger sister, Ginny Weasley, enrolls in her first year at Hogwarts, and brings with her a notebook which turns out to be Voldemort's school-time diary. Ginny becomes possessed by Voldemort through the diary and opens the "Chamber of Secrets", unleashing an ancient monster within which begins attacking students at Hogwarts. The novel delves into the history of Hogwarts and a legend revolving around the Chamber. Also, for the first time, Harry realises that racial prejudice exists in the wizarding world, and he learns that Voldemort's reign of terror was often directed at wizards who were descended from Muggles. Harry is also shocked to learn that he can speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes; this rare ability is often equated with the dark arts. The novel ends after Harry saves the life of Ginny Weasley, by destroying a Basilisk and the diary, in which Voldemort saved a piece of his soul (although Harry does not realise this until later in the series). The concept of storing part of one's soul inside of an object in order to prevent death is officially introduced in the sixth novel under the term "horcrux".

The third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, follows Harry in his third year of magical education. It is the only book in the series which does not feature Voldemort. Instead, Harry must deal with the knowledge that he has been targeted by Sirius Black, an escaped murderer believed to have assisted in the deaths of Harry's parents. As Harry struggles with his reaction to the dementors—dark creatures with the power to devour a human soul—which are ostensibly protecting the school, he reaches out to Remus Lupin, a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher with a dark secret. Lupin teaches Harry defensive measures which are well above the level of magic generally shown by people his age. Harry learns that both Lupin and Black were close friends of his father and that Black was framed by their fourth friend, Peter Pettigrew.[20] In this book, another recurring theme throughout the series is emphasised - in every book there is a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, none of whom lasts more than one school year. In the sixth book, it is implied that the job has actually been jinxed.


就是类似百科全书一样的书!... 就是类似百科全书一样的书!

罗琳除了写哈利波特1-7外,还写了《神奇的魁地奇球》,《神奇动物在哪里》和《诗翁彼豆故事集》,其余的有关于哈利波特周边的书都是哈迷自己写的。 百度百科上有很详细的书名,很多的 。但具体是在那个词条下我忘了~~但是我看到过

关于 哈利·波特的百度百科中的 “⒊相关周边读物 哈迷编写”

在哪里可以看到? 还是要买书的吗?


