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Wrapped in biting wind

Hearts will never bleed

Frozen and banished

Out of grief

In their restless dreams

they try so hard to breathe

Pulses flutter and sting

Within this bleakness

Pain will come with the blade

Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow

Unsheathe a sword not to kill

Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground

Wake up, it's time to gather now

The only warmth remains in hands clasped so tight

The only fire exists in brave hearts

Seasons that refuse to change over the years

Will find their way back, back on track

We've made a choice

Go fight against your fate!

Pain will come with the blade

Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow

Unsheathe a sword not to kill

Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground

Wake up, it's time to gather now

Forget about the rules

Written on weathered rock

There were chasers of light

find the way or get lost

We have no way to know

Where they all headed for

See a light from afar

Just blaze through the thorns

We know it's right over there

We have something to declare

Whatever is arriving, we'll be prepared

We've made a choice

Go fight against your fate!

Pain will come with the blade

Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow

Unsheathe a sword not to kill

Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground

Wake up to hear the cheering sound


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HTC g13(Wildfire S)一键刷机教程快捷刷入g13刷机包

  HTC g13(Wildfire S)的机友们不用再为HTC g13怎么刷机而纠结啦!现在我给大家带来HTC g13刷机教程,分享最实用最简单的HTC g13刷机软件,介绍刷入 HTC g13刷机rom包的步骤!不管你是刷机老手还是新手,都请你认真阅读这篇HTC g13刷机教程,新手入门必备,老手更能从中获得新的体验!   HTC g13刷机准备工作   首先安装完美刷机作为HTC g13刷机软件,操作刷机软件之前先对系统资源进行备份(联系人、短信等),手机电池电量在50%以上为宜,手机开机,不用拔掉SD卡,数据线插在电脑主机箱后面的USB接口,打开手机的USB调试!

  连接HTC g13刷机软件,导入刷机包

  用数据线连接HTC g13和电脑,双击刷机软件图标,启动软件。   两种导入g13刷机包的途径供机友们选择:   途径一:完美刷机软件拥有“rom推荐”功能,免去机友们搜集HTC g13 rom的烦恼,连接手机后软件根据机型向你提供优秀rom资源,浏览完毕选定你中意的 rom资源,点击“一键刷机”软件开始下载HTC g13刷机包,下载需要5-10分钟,下载完毕软件立即运行HTC g13刷机。 wildfire键盘失灵?星穹铁道wildfire歌词-第1张图片-万福百科
  除此之外,你还可以直接点击主页面上方“rom市场”按钮,搜索中意的g13 rom下载进行刷机。 wildfire键盘失灵?星穹铁道wildfire歌词-第2张图片-万福百科
  途径二:如果刷机之前你就已经准备好HTC g13刷机包,请直接切换至“一键刷机”页面,点击“选择”,选定你已经准备好的rom包,点击页面下方的“打开”即可完成导入rom包的操作。将rom添加到主页面的选项框后,点击“开始”HTC g13刷机软件立即运行。 wildfire键盘失灵?星穹铁道wildfire歌词-第3张图片-万福百科

  HTC g13刷机软件运行

  HTC g13一键刷机教程提醒你:刷机软件运行需要5—10分钟,在这段时间里不需要再对手机进行任何操作,比如移动和触碰!这是HTC g13刷机最关键的步骤,请耐心等待!

  HTC g13刷机成功

  当刷机软件此时页面如下图所示时表示这是HTC g13刷机教程最后一个步骤,刷机软件已经完成HTC g13刷机工作,请点击“完成”。   HTC g13刷机教程提醒你:点击“完成”后同样不要移动手机,等待手机自动重启! wildfire键盘失灵?星穹铁道wildfire歌词-第4张图片-万福百科
  读完这篇HTC g13刷机教程的机友们一定已经对HTC g13怎么刷机有了清晰地认识。严格按照这篇g13刷机教程的刷机四步骤规范操作完美刷机软件,一定能给手机换一个充满个性的新系统!完美刷机软件是HTC g13一键刷机必备软件,拥有HTC g13刷机rom下载功能!HTC g13(Wildfire S)刷机教程最后特别提醒:操作刷机软件必须认真有耐心!

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